Monday, March 13 2023, the Student Association of the Department of Chemical Engineering FT-UB held a Handover activity for the Head of the Student Association and Members of the Chemical Engineering Student Representative Council FT-UB Period 2023/2024 in the Auditorium Prof. Suryono FT-UB.

This activity was attended by all lecturers, academic staff from the Department of Chemical Engineering FT-UB, representatives of BEM and the Head of the Student Association in FT-UB. This activity begins with the opening as well as directives by the Head of the Chemical Engineering Department FT-UB, Ir. Moh Sholichin, MT., Ph.D. and continued with remarks by the Coordinator of BEM Engineering, Members of DPMTK, Chair of HMTK, and Chair of KMTK VIII.

After that, the handover of official and oath of official for DPMTK members for the 2022/2023 period (Dean Rama P, Ilham M, Nurul I M) were carried out to DPMTK members for the 2023/2024 period (M. Merdy, Dea P P, Muhammad Husien A.) followed by handover Head of HMTK Period 2022/2023 (Mohammad Okta Rahmadi Nugraha) to Chairperson of HMTK Period 2023/2024 (Rangga Mustaqie).

With the election of a new leadership, it is hoped that the FT-UB Chemical Engineering Student Association can accommodate Chemical Engineering students in expressing their aspirations, and can advance the FT-UB Chemical Engineering Department which is strong and has integrity.

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